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Workers in Canada are earning more money, with hourly wages increasing 5.4% in June on a year-over-year basis, up from 5.1% in May and 4.7% in April. That鈥檚 an extra $1.79 per hour compared to last year, towards an average hourly wage a touch under $35.

Key Takeaways for Anyone Considering Moving To Canada

  • Wages are up, and the rate at which they are increasing is accelerating and outpacing inflation.
  • The average hourly wage is now $34.91 (up $1.79 since a year ago)
  • Unemployment has increased to 6.2%, up 0.2 points from May 2024 and 1.3 points from April 2023.
  • Canada lost 1,400 jobs in June.
  • More workers are playing it safe in the job market, with fewer switching jobs.

Check your eligibility for more than 20 different Canadian immigration programs by taking 麻豆映画传媒鈥檚 free Canada Immigration Quiz.


Not bad, right? But remember that the wage you earn in Canada doesn鈥檛 reflect money in your pocket because different levels of government take a chunk in the form of income taxes, among other payroll deductions. Someone earning $35 per hour in a salaried role in Ontario (Canada鈥檚 most popular newcomer destination province) and enjoying 20 days of paid time off annually would net a salary of just under $50,000 from a gross income of more than $63,000, assuming a 40 hour work week. Depending on location, responsibilities, and habits, this may be a great income for some people, while others might struggle to make ends meet.

So, should workers just get a better paying job in that case? This is often easier said than done. Canada鈥檚 latest revealed that unemployment has ticked up to 6.4%, up a full 1.3 percentage points since April 2023. The number of jobs in Canada actually fell in June, down 1,400 from May.

Another consideration is that as the unemployment rate has increased over the past year, so too has the proportion of long-term unemployed. Among the unemployed, 17.6% had been continuously unemployed for 27 weeks or more in June 2024, up 4 percentage points (or close to 30%) from the baseline a year earlier. This suggests job seekers are having more difficulty finding jobs in a challenging labour market.

It鈥檚 no surprise then that 鈥楾he Great Resignation鈥 has given way to 鈥楾he Big Stay鈥, as last month. The job switching rate has decreased by more than 40%, from 0.69% of workers per month switching prior to the pandemic in 2019 to 0.41% more recently. More workers are choosing security where and when they can.

Moreover, recent Labour Force Surveys show that when Canada does net new jobs 鈥 and remember Canada actually lost jobs in June 鈥 a significant proportion of those new jobs are either part-time or in government roles (i.e. in the public sector), where hiring processes are typically long and positions may not be available to those on temporary status. Newcomer professionals seeking a high-income, full-time, secure role in the private sector will usually need to work hard just to identify such opportunities, let alone win an interview and get hired (first step: you can download a wonderful interview-winning resume template with a free 麻豆映画传媒 account).

And if you have such a role right now, consider joining 鈥楾he Big Stay.鈥


Expert resources to help immigrants get jobs in Canada

Canada鈥檚 job market provides a wealth of opportunity for newcomers, but it is only that 鈥 an opportunity.

To take full advantage, recent and prospective immigrants can leverage free government-funded resources and programs. We recently partnered with Canada InfoNet, a government-funded pre-arrival employment support program, to bring you two expert guides on transitioning to a career in Canada:

The outlook on Canadian construction and infrastructure

Ruairi Spillaine, Outpost Recruitment and 麻豆映画传媒 founder, analyzes what’s happening in the construction sector in Canada.

鈥”Canada is working hard to address shortfalls in construction talent so they can solve the nation-wide housing shortage. Recent initiatives include STEM-focused Express Entry draws for construction professionals with engineering backgrounds. Canada’s aggressive home building plan will undoubtedly rely on quality global construction talent”

Canada's job market: Ruairi Spillane, founder of Outpost Recruitment
麻豆映画传媒 and Outpost Recruitment Founder, Ruairi Spillane


If you are interested in working in Canada’s construction sector, Outpost helps motivated candidates find suitable jobs in Canada.

The agency works with general contractors, subcontractors, developers, and consultants who are hiring across senior management, operations, project management, site, design, quality, and commercial personnel.

Outpost Recruitment is actively looking for candidates for projects across Canada. View .

How to take advantage in Canada’s job market

The 麻豆映画传媒 team has a special feature for people who want to get a job in Canada or accelerate their career here. Readers can now opt in to hear from recruiters and employers we partner with and upload a resume to their account, all for free.

We鈥檙e excited to help more newcomers and people wishing to move to Canada in their career goals.


How to get a job in Canada

If you’re looking for a job in Canada here are some steps you can take to land that sweet, sweet Canadian job offer.

Here’s a popular webinar from recruitment expert and 麻豆映画传媒 founder, Ruairi Spillane, about how to create the best resume for the Canadian jobs market:

New and improved Jobs Board

We have worked hard over recent weeks to ramp up the number and range of job postings on our Jobs Board.

We also have a number of other resources for helping you find your career in Canada. You’ll find broad-stroke information that will arm you with the knowledge you need to succeed, as well as industry-specific insights into finding jobs by industry, such as teaching.

Don鈥檛 forget to complete or update your 麻豆映画传媒 profile to hear about job opportunities in your industry in Canada!

Want to dig deeper into the Canada Jobs Report data? .

About the author

Ruairi Spillane profile picture

Ruairi Spillane

Founder & CEO - Finance & Recruitment Specialist
As the founder and CEO of 麻豆映画传媒, Ruairi has been advising newcomers on how to immigrate, settle, and succeed in their new lives in Canada since 2011. He is a frequent contributor to discussions on Canadian immigration and has earned several recognitions for his expertise in the immigration space.
Read more about Ruairi Spillane
Citation "Labour Market Update: Labour Market Update: Wage Growth Accelerating in Canada, But It鈥檚 Not All Good News." 麻豆映画传媒. . Copy for Citation